In-depth Bible Study

We meet the 1st & 3rd Thursday of each month from 7:30am–9am CST/GMT-5  


In-depth Bible Study

Meeting the 1st & 3rd Thursday of each month
7:30 am – 9am CDT

In-Person & Online

In-Person Location

Technology Partners
707 Spirit Park 40 Drive    Suite 120
Chesterfield, MO 63005

Please read & agree to the policies.

TP Contact : Sarah Guldalian-

Virtual Option


Password – 239478

Please read & agree to the policies.

Zoom Contact : Kristi Howard –

SAVE THE DATE – March 20th, 2025 – Spring Fellowship Breakfast

Instead of bible study we will be having a fellowship breakfast at The Original Pancake House in Chesterfield Valley. Cost is $30 for breakfast. RSVP by March 6th.


Current Study

Study in Revelations

November 7th 2024- March 4th 2025

Join us as Richard Blackaby leads us through the book of Revelations.

To purchase the book that will inspire our sessions with Dr. Blackaby, CLICK HERE !

Nov. 7th 2024   Session 1

Nov. 21st 2024   Session 2


Dec. 19th 2024   Session 3

Jan. 2nd  2025   Session 4

Jan. 16th 2025   Session 5

Feb.  6th  2025   Session 6

Feb. 20th 2025   Session 7

Mar. 6th  2025   Session 8

Richard Blackaby is the president of Blackaby Ministries International ( and the eldest son of Henry and Marilynn. Richard has a Ph.D. in church history from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has served as a senior pastor and as a seminary president. Richard travels extensively and speaks internationally on spiritual leadership, experiencing God, revival, and God in the marketplace. Richard regularly works with Christian CEOs of Fortune 500 companies. You can follow Richard on Twitter at @richardblackaby, Facebook at Dr.Richard Blackaby, or his podcast at The Richard Blackaby Leadership Podcast. Richard and his wife Lisa live in Atlanta. Their three children all serve in ministry. They also have eight grandchildren, 5 boys and 3 girls!


Richard has authored and co-authored numerous books, including Experiencing God, The Experiencing God Study Bible, The Ways of God, The Seasons of God, Spiritual Leadership, God in the Marketplace, The Inspired Leader, and Spiritual Leadership Coaching. Living Out of the Overflow and Flickering Lamps: Christ and His Church. 

Previous Studies


Thursday, October 17th, 2024

Watch the recording of this amazing morning!  

Thursday October 3rd, 2024

About Mesho –
Born again and SPIRIT filled believer who loves JESUS with everything that’s within her. Her other two loves are people and basketball. She gave her life to the LORD in the fall of 1989 after finishing up a collegiate basketball career at Kansas University. At that point, she started reading the WORD of GOD and fell in love with it and has never stopped. She is an ordained minister and founding member of Refuge and Restoration Church.
She is also a business owner. Owner of Arch Angels 3V3 Basketball company. They train, and develop players to score and score more. They also run 3V3 events, such as leagues and tournaments.
But the heartbeat of their work is to repair the breaches in urban communities within four impact zones, reducing violence, generating commerce and entrepreneurs and building unity, aiming to harness the power of sport, gaming and technology to transform lives by creating career pathways in sport and community building.  

Download our Daniel Bible Study Questions Here:

Miss a Study? Catch Up Here!

Past Studies

If you’d like to view any of our past Zoom sessions- please Email to request the videos.

JULY 18th – Guest Speaker

Britney Ruby Miller

If you missed it, here’s the video –


She’s our keynote speaker for our 7th Annual Christian Business Women’s Breakfast on October 30th, 2024, and will be joining us during our Bible Study on July 18th.

Don’t miss out on this chance to get to know her and to get excited for the breakfast!!

For more info on Brittney and this years Breakfast – CLICK HERE

January 18th – March 21st 2024

FIRST STEPS // Led by Tina Wesley

See reading schedule below.

Link to purchase book –

Join us Every 1st & 3rd Thursday

Dates: January 18th, February 1st & 15th, March 7th & 21st, 2024.

7:30 am – 9 am CST.

In person AND virtual locations available.


Jan. 4th, 2024 

Speaker – Lisa Nichols

Topic – Overview of The Book of Daniel

Here is the Recording if you missed!!

Jesus & Women – In the First Century and Now

By: Kristi McLelland

 Sept 7th – Dec. 7th 2023

link to purchase book – HERE

Reading Schedule:

Sept 7 –    Session One  – Before study, review and complete pages 4-12.
After study, complete Follow-up, Look. Learn, and Live for Session One.

Sept 21 –   Session Two – Before study, review the intro.
After study, complete Follow-up, Look. Learn, and Live for Session Two.

Oct 5 –       Session Three – Before study, review the intro.
After study, complete Follow-up, Look. Learn, and Live for Session Three.

Oct 19 –    Session Four –  Before study, review the intro.
After study, complete Follow-up, Look. Learn, and Live for Session Four.

Nov 2 –     Session Five – Before study, review the intro.
After study, complete Follow-up, Look. Learn, and Live for Session Five.

Nov 16 –  Session Six –  Before study, review the intro.
After study, complete Follow-up, Look. Learn, and Live for Session Six.

Dec 7 –    Session Seven and Wrap-up –  Before study, review intro.
After study, complete Follow-up, Look. Learn, and Live for Session Seven.

August 17th 2023

Guest Speaker Heather Robertson Fortner, MS

Watch the recording from this morning – HERE

Heather is the Chief Executive Officer and Chair of the board of Signature FD, an integrated and comprehensive wealth management firm with offices in Atlanta, Georgia and Charlotte, North Carolina, recently named to the Inc. 5000.

Heather is recognized as a thought leader in the ever-changing landscape of wealth management and has been widely sought after for her expertise.

Heather will be joining us virtually from the east coast – Hear about how her Christian faith informs her work and helps her navigate and balance her family life and community involvement.

Dr. Blackaby Live on Zoom,  going through his book – Called to Be God’s Leader

We are going through the book ONLY.

Purchase it from the Christian Bookstore – HERE

Joshua Reading Schedule :

  1. May 18- Chapters 1-2 (prior to meeting). Your life’s possibilities & Seizing opportunities God grants you.
  2. June 1- Chapters 3-4  God builds on your past. God’s presence, the key to your success.
  3. June 15- Chapter 5  Obedience that Goes the Distance 
  4. July 6 – Chapter 6  Character: the foundation for Leadership
  5. July 20- Chapter 7  Faith that brings walls down
  6. August 3  – Chapters 8-9  Influence that matters. Joshua’s leadership principles.

Thursday, May 4th –

Join us for a powerful morning as we join millions of men and women all across the country as we pray for the pillars of our nation.

October 2022 – April 2023:  Elijah  By Pricilla Shirer

Journey through the life and times of the prophet Elijah to discover how the fire on Mount Carmel was forged in the valley of famine. And how the emboldened, fiery faith you desire is being fashioned by God in your life right now.

If you’d like to view any of our zoom session for this study – please Email and request the videos.



Other studies have included: Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table by Louie Giglio, Experiencing God:  Knowing and Doing the Will of God with author and Pastor, Dr. Richard Blackaby, Priscilla Shirer’s The Armor of God; Dr. Blackaby’s Unlimiting God. The new study Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at your Table by Louie Giglio starts in June.  “Abide in me, and I in you….” (John 15:4-7)

What People Are Saying About Our Studies

Transforming Lives


“Dr. Richard Blackaby has a powerful way of making the Bible come alive by facilitating transforming discussions.

This study has challenged me in so many ways and has helped to strengthen my faith. My walk with the Lord is deeper and richer because of what I am learning in this study. I love hearing the insights and wisdom contributed by the other women attending the study. 

Lethia Owens
Founder, Game Changers International


This message today hit me like a ton of bricks.

I can’t even begin to tell you what this Rooted Sisters group means to me. This message today hit me like a ton of bricks. I’ve been spending so much time getting out and meeting people to build my network since I’m not from St Louis, that I have neglected the reason that I came here in the first place. I came here for my now amazing, sweet husband Paul and his incredible children (our children) Andrew and Sarah. I am not being present for him and being still with my God. Ugh! Thank you a million times over for introducing me to this special group of women who love each other and our incredible God. YOU are such a blessing in my life. Love you forever for the gift of this group. It means so much. 

Kelly Lampe