A Heart for God

A Heart for God

Contributed by Cheri Combs This passage is derived from the story in which the prophet Samuel, on God’s command, goes to the house of Jesse in Bethlehem to anoint one of Jesse’s sons as Israel’s king. The new leader would replace Saul who had lost God’s favor. Samuel sees the first of Jesse’s sons, and thinks that he should be the anointed one, maybe because he was strong and handsome in...

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Glorifying God

Glorifying God

Contributed by Basima Williams How could a poor, teenage immigrant girl who spoke broken English—and who was forced to quit high school to help the family, which meant never finishing any formal education beyond 10th grade—become the CEO of one of the largest satellite phone stores in North America? I asked that question to a now 56-year-old woman, my sister, Henaa. She said she writes out all...

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Trust Him with the Process

Trust Him with the Process

Oftentimes God uses the ordinary activities of a day to drive home spiritual lessons to me and I just love that.  Isn’t that just like Him to use ordinary people and ordinary experiences to teach us about the extraordinary life He has planned for us? Dr. Richard Blackaby says, “God sees your potential just as clearly as He sees where you are right now.” However, getting to our full potential is...

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Successful Leadership

Successful Leadership

This week the tables turned, and I was the guest on the St. Louis Leadership Podcast with Bryan Buesking rather than the podcast host. Bryan sent over several questions around leadership last week that he wanted to cover. This was such a good exercise for me as it forced me to pause and really consider how I would answer these questions, rather than parrot how other leadership experts might...

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