The Master Gardener

The Master Gardener

My husband and I were born and raised in rural Kentucky. My closest friend lived over a mile away from me, so riding my bike to her house when I was ten years old was not an option. That was a downside. However, there were distinct benefits to living in the country as a ten-year old. I loved the wide-open spaces, plenty of yard for a large garden, pecan trees and other huge trees to climb … and...

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The Ultimate Fishing Guide

The Ultimate Fishing Guide

These last few weeks have been a whirlwind, so this is the first time I have had an opportunity to pen the thoughts that have been swirling around in my heart and mind. Greg and I had the great privilege a few weeks ago of hosting Steve Green, President of Hobby Lobby, for an intimate dinner party. I was reminded recently of Steve’s story when my dear friend and brother in Christ, Jeff Johnson,...

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Brokenness to Beauty

Brokenness to Beauty

We have an amazing and loving family – but notice I did not say perfect. We have challenges just like every family. Each one of us has our own set of limiting beliefs, character flaws and brokenness that we are working through. It only stands to reason that when a bunch of broken people are living in community with one another, relational strain and struggle will happen. It is inevitable. As I...

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It’s time to withdraw to the lonely places

It’s time to withdraw to the lonely places

None of us could anticipate the pandemic that has turned our world upside down. It has resulted in hundreds of thousands of people being infected and tens of thousands even losing their lives. Our global economic system is suffering, many have lost their jobs, the supply chain is tremendously strained, students are trying to find their way through finishing classes online and the list goes on...

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