
A Heart for God

A Heart for God

Contributed by Cheri Combs This passage is derived from the story in which the prophet Samuel, on God’s command, goes to the house of Jesse in Bethlehem to anoint one of Jesse’s sons as Israel’s king. The new leader would replace Saul who had lost God’s favor. Samuel...

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Brokenness to Beauty

Brokenness to Beauty

We have an amazing and loving family – but notice I did not say perfect. We have challenges just like every family. Each one of us has our own set of limiting beliefs, character flaws and brokenness that we are working through. It only stands to reason that when a...

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It’s time to withdraw to the lonely places

It’s time to withdraw to the lonely places

None of us could anticipate the pandemic that has turned our world upside down. It has resulted in hundreds of thousands of people being infected and tens of thousands even losing their lives. Our global economic system is suffering, many have lost their jobs, the...

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