Jesus Christ

Glorifying God

Glorifying God

Contributed by Basima Williams How could a poor, teenage immigrant girl who spoke broken English—and who was forced to quit high school to help the family, which meant never finishing any formal education beyond 10th grade—become the CEO of one of the largest...

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Trust Him with the Process

Trust Him with the Process

Oftentimes God uses the ordinary activities of a day to drive home spiritual lessons to me and I just love that.  Isn’t that just like Him to use ordinary people and ordinary experiences to teach us about the extraordinary life He has planned for us? Dr. Richard...

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The Master Gardener

The Master Gardener

My husband and I were born and raised in rural Kentucky. My closest friend lived over a mile away from me, so riding my bike to her house when I was ten years old was not an option. That was a downside. However, there were distinct benefits to living in the country as...

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Power of the sun (Son)

Power of the sun (Son)

Danish Nagda, a brilliant doctor-turned-entrepreneur was on the Something Extra show recently. His episode launched last Thursday, and I shared it this past weekend on social media. At the end of the show I always ask the question, “What is the something extra that...

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