Contributed by Basima Williams

How could a poor, teenage immigrant girl who spoke broken English—and who was forced to quit high school to help the family, which meant never finishing any formal education beyond 10th grade—become the CEO of one of the largest satellite phone stores in North America?

I asked that question to a now 56-year-old woman, my sister, Henaa. She said she writes out all her goals—making new ones each year—and she prays over them, focusing on Bible passages like Matthew 7:7-8. But the driving force behind her success is her desire to glorify God in everything she does, and to be faithful with what He has given her.

Through the years, Henaa has worked hard. She remains positive and stays at the forefront of innovative ideas, never allowing her lack of education, connections, or up-bringing to become a hindrance. And she doesn’t measure success by the amount of money she makes, but instead by the many lives she is able to touch: the loyal employees who have been with her for 20-plus years, a family whose lives were saved because they had access to a satellite phone in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, and the missionaries who were rescued after a raid in Africa.

Most impressive is how she makes it her business to pray. For the past 10 years, Henaa has led a virtual community of prayer warriors using her phone. A reminder app schedules individual prayer times with over 20 people throughout the week. A simple ding alerts her at any time, and seconds later, she connects with pastors, friends, and family members.

She usually begins with a catch-up conversation, prayer requests, and then moves on to meaningful prayer. Sometimes she is on the phone for a few brief minutes, but at other moments her prayers last for 20 minutes or longer. And with each connection, her goals are always the same: Be faithful to her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ … and strive to glorify God with every word she speaks.

Reflection: Is glorifying God a priority in your life?

Prayer: Lord, Thank You for Your many blessings. Let my very life glorify You, in the name of Jesus, Amen.